Week 15 – Kaylie Cole

I just cannot believe this is the last week of my first semester. I have made so many great friends and have had such a great first semester. I enjoyed all my classes — sort of, I just didn’t like Art. But I want to thank Randy and Taylor for helping out this semester with study sessions and anything else she could do for us. Also I’d like to thank Randy for being a great advisor and helping me realize that my passion is with people and that’s the area I need to pursue. It’s been a great first semester and I would loooove if the rest of my years here slowed down a little bit! I’m excited to go home and see my family and celebrate my birthday with them, which is actually this friday, December 6. But I’m not sure what I’ll do without my roommate or friends for an entire month! It’s been real Learning Community, good luck in the future!

Week 13 by Kaylie Cole

I’m so not ready for this semester to be over. It’s so sad. I’ve made some great friends and it’s going to be weird not seeing them for a month. But I’m also so very excited to see my family and friends back home. I love the holidays and all the cheer that comes along with them. 

My mom is letting my roommate and I shadow her at her workplace over Christmas break I believe. Both my roommate and I plan on going Soc- Crim so it’s pretty exciting to see the place where we could either work or send the criminals we catch too. My parents work in Belmont County Corrections Prison by the way. 

I got a B on my Psych test! I was hoping for an A, but with my extra credit points I should still be able to get an A if I get at least B on the final. 

Also I’m too excited to see Catching Fire Thursday night! You couldn’t get me to read a book if my life depended on it, but I read the Hunger Games books. So I’m so excited! 

Molly Goldsword

Thanksgiving is sooooo close I cannot wait!!!! I am so excited because I’m going home early on Saturday. My parents think that i am coming home on Tuesday but i want to surprise them because Sunday is my little brothers birthday. All of my family is coming in town and a lot of my relatives will be staying at my house. I’m so ready for next semester. I’m all signed up for my classes finally. I cant wait to be home!!!!!! 🙂

I’m cuckoo for cocoa puffs which I’m eating right now 4 minutes before class

Also its Victor. Hi guys.

Another week of the same stuff. Its starting to get kind of boring around here so I’ve taken to my only refuge; video games. 

I’m currently asking Jeff and Mikayla what to write about. Jeff doesn’t care, and Mikayla thinks I should write about pie. She has a valid point. Pie is certainly fun to write about. 

Congrats Randy!Image

Home Sweet Home – Nolan Podmore

This past weekend was awesome.  I got to go home and celebrate my girlfriends birthday.  On Friday night we went out to dinner at the Texas Roadhouse, which is just like a barbecue place, and it was really good.  After dinner we went to go see our friend that we used to work with perform at a small little coffee bar.  He played a few songs off his new album “Strawberry Skyline.”  We both thought he was amazing and we actually bought his album.  After that we went back to her house where I gave her her present.  I got her a Tiffany necklace and she loved it.  After that and the rest of the weekend we kinda just hung out but it was more fun than I’ve had in a long time and I cant wait to go back for Thanksgiving. 

Week 12 with Kaylie Cole

I can’t believe we only have a few more weeks together 😦 I have loved every minute of being at Ohio University and I’m so glad I chose this campus. 

This past weekend was the last weekend for softball games. That was pretty upsetting, but we start again in Spring so I’m excited about that. Plus we might be going to Tampa, FL for Spring Break together and to play in a tournament!

This week I started a job with Kids on Campus. I get to help young kids do their homework and things like that after school. I love kids so I’m excited to continue this job. 

I’m excited for Thanksgiving Break so I can spend time with my family! I miss them. 


Week 11

It’s so hard to believe that we’re halfway through Week 11. This semester is going so fast 😦 But I’m loving every minute of it. I met with Randy earlier this week to talk about classes which made me super excited about spring semester! Also we figured out that I’m a sophomore after this semester!

This past weekend the softball team went to the Land of Illusion which was pretty awesome. If you don’t know what it is, its a haunted house that has seven different attractions. It’s in Cincinnati. It was pretty scary too. 

Kaylie Cole


Sam Heckle

This week has gone by really fast, and i have been wasting away my days with my new obsession with pokemon.  The classes have been really easy this week since i don’t have any exams and this weekend is dads weekend.  My dad is going to come up and were going to see the comedian Nick Offerman. The walking dead also had a new episode last Sunday which was surprisingly boring. 

Low Key Weekend – Nolan Podmore

This past week was better than I expected it to be.  This weekend almost every single person in my mod went home so it was just me and two other people.  It was actually pretty nice though.  We just got to relax for once instead of dealing with all the craziness of my mod mates.  We just watched movies and played catch with a frisbee.  It was actually a pretty awesome weekend.  

Molly Goldsword

     So far i have had a good week. I can not wait for my dad to come on Saturday! I feel like I haven’t seen him in soooooo long. From what I hear dads weekend can get pretty wild haha. I’m also counting down the days to Thanksgiving break. I can’t wait to get home and spend some time with my family. I just want to eat a good home cooked meal! Its so weird that first semester is already starting to wrap up. I feel like this year is going by soo fast!